Zeus is 5 years old and should have another 10-15 more. He is an angel, the best cat ever and he loves all humans he meets even when he has been sick
Zeus started losing weight last year, a kg in fact and hes a big cat so we got him assessed and vet felt a lump so he went through an ultrasound, blood tests and even opened him up. There was a possible suggestion of FIP but showed a bacterial infection so we treated and he improved, gained some weight and seemed back to himself and his mass on lymp node in belly even went down!!
He started to get really hungry all the time and went downhill again but this time looked weak and stuff. We did more blood tests and my vet was stumped so he went to specialist for consult and they did PCV test which werent drastically bad but were low and suggested rescan.
He has suggested very likely to have FIP, a devastating and deadly disease in 100% of cases.
Feline coronavirus (FCoV) infection is very common in cats, usually causing only mild intestinal signs such as diarrhoea. Up to 10% of FCoV infections, however, result in the fatal disease feline infectious peritonitis (FIP).
FIP manifests in a “wet” form and a “dry” form. Signs of both forms include fever that doesn’t respond to antibiotics, anorexia, weight loss and lethargy. In addition, the wet form of FIP is characterized by accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, the chest cavity, or both. Cats with fluid in the chest exhibit labored breathing. Cats with fluid in the abdomen show progressive, nonpainful abdominal distension. In the dry form of FIP, small accumulations of inflammatory cells, or granulomas, form in various organs, and clinical signs depend on which organ is affected. If the kidneys are affected, excessive thirst and urination, vomiting and weight loss are seen; if the liver, jaundice. The eyes and the neurologic system are frequently affected, as well.
I have dealt with wet FIP with rescue kittens and all diagnosed were euthanised due to massive fluid build up especially in lungs. Zeus has dry FIP so organs and neuro have been affected and becomes wobbly
However, a recent study by Niels C. Pedersen has yielded very good results when treating cats with a medication called GS-441524. This anti-viral medicine is extremely expensive. Zeus will require 84 days of treatment which means at least around $8,000.
I have heard from a friend and others that treatment have saved cats when treated with it. With Zeus so young, I want to try and give him a fighting chance as he doesnt deserve to die so young :(
After spending 24/7 of my life saving other kittens lives tirelesy and losing many nights sleep keeping them alive, I'm now faced with my own beautiful boy needing my 24/7 to stay alive ����
I am broken from the pain of thinking that there is a cure and that we cannot afford it. For that, we appreciate any donations you can make. We will be eternally grateful.
*update 9 weeks to go and $2500 left to raise*
*9/3 update. With vials ordered and about to order to date I'm short 20 so need to buy 10 vials more by April at latest which is about $2000*
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