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FIP Warrior:


My sweet kitty, Trixie, is 4 years old. I adopted her as a kitten from a PAWS shelter. She has always been affectionate and chipper, but I noticed back in April that her fur looked rough, and she was behaving like an old cat. She also lost 2 pounds. I took her to the vet, and they did bloodwork and an X-ray and discovered she had pericardial effusion. The bloodwork showed high white blood cells and other markers of infection. They referred her to another vet to get a sample of the fluid in her chest. That vet said her chest fluid had increased immensely since her X-ray the day before and he diagnosed Trixie with wet FIP. We started on GS treatment In late April. Trixie responded well and got more active and playful, and then she swallowed a sewing needle. I had to rush her to get an endoscopy to remove that, so another huge expense. Thankfully, now she’s doing so well, but she’s gained 4 lbs., so I need to increase her GS dosage. I appreciate any assistance toward her treatment that you can offer, and Trixie will be very grateful too! She’s my sweet little fur baby. I have a FB fundraiser at, but if you'd prefer, you could also donate on Go Fund Me. Thank you! 💖

Trixie's Pages:
