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FIP Warrior:


At the beginning of April my 7 month old kitten (who we rescued in November) suddenly lost weight and was extremely lethargic.  I took him to the vet, and the vet assumed that is was FIP. The next day, we received his blood work back and it was confirmed that Shadow did indeed have FIP. She told me that once he stopped eating to bring him in and have him put down.

I was not ok with this, and did not accept the answer. Although shadow is "just" a cat, he is my 4 year old daughter's best friend. He is always by her, in my lap or snuggling my dog (Samwise). When we rescued him, he was to be my husband's anniversary gift and he came at the right time as I had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy (the weekend we were supposed to pick him up I ended up in the hospital). So no, I would not accept his death sentence.

I posted on Lake Haven Animal rescue's website asking for help (this is who I adopted Shadow from). A vet sent me a PM telling me about the FIP warriors facebook page. I joined, and the same day (April 7)  he was diagnosed I was able to get several vials of Gs from a local woman.

Shadow is filling back in, his appetite has picked up and he is back to purring and following us around. We are only on day 13 and have a long and expensive road ahead of us. I am a stay at home mom and we cannot do this without others' help. Thankfully, some money has come in and I am eternally thankful for that.

Shadowfax's Pages:
