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FIP Warrior:


Hello everyone. If you are reading this then FIP has probably been diagnosed or considered a diagnosis for your feline bestie. FIP is a horrible disease that just destroys and kills. When my sweet Shadow was diagnosed, I had no idea what FIP was. My vet didn’t have any hope for a cure. I felt so helpless, but refused to give up. Later the same day when I went to pick Shadow up from the veterinarian, she gave me the website of FIP Warriors 5.0. I immediately got on the website after I got home and within 10 minutes I was being helped and given hope. It’s not what I expected, but so much more. My Shadow was diagnosed with Dry FIP on July 6th of this year. He was not given any chance to live for long and I was being told to consider euthanasia just a few hours earlier by the veterinarian. Now with the proper treatments (Lucky injections), Shadow is thriving and with his blood test results from yesterday, October 13th, 2021, Shadow is starting observation. That means his bloodwork came back good. His injections are over hopefully for good. FIP Warriors 5.0 are saving our feline besties all over the world. This medication needs the proper attention to get it passed for all people in the veterinarian field to have access too. It really works and there’s very little knowledge accessible for people to learn about a good treatment for FIP. It doesn’t mean a death sentence for our sweet babies anymore. Support the FIP Warriors 5.0 for all the work they do and call your congressman to get this drug passed. A. Helms