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FIP Warrior:


We adopted Pippin one year ago, and since then he has been the most amazing addition to our family. We’re not really sure if he is a cat... he can sit, give high fives on command, and goes on walks. He cuddles with us every morning when our alarm goes off and greets us every day when we come home from work.  He is playful, adventurous, and cuddly, and a light in our home.
In September, we took Pippin to the vet for a respiratory infection. We expected that he was fine but our vet ran blood work just in case, because it was odd that 6 months before he weighed 5.2 lbs, and now weighed 4.9 lbs. After that visit, his health rapidly deteriorated. He had a fever and stopped eating, and had uveitis in his right eye. Two weeks after the first visit, our vet confirmed that Pippin has Feline Infectious Peritonitis, or FIP.

The journey to start treatment was a nerve-wracking one. We were worried about money and the efficacy of the medicine, and were especially unsure which one to start on. Luckily, we contacted Nancy Moulen-Schmidt and Melissa Sarenius, and they were able to help us start on Mutian. We started with injections, and after many tears and the help of our vet and FIP Warriors, we were able to get Pippin started on treatment. Within ONE HOUR of treatment, I was in shock that Pippin was eating again!

We immediately saw improvement: even three days later, he was playing again, and one week later, you could not even tell he had a disease. We switched to pills and hadn’t worried about anything since.

Pippin finished his treatment on December 6th, 2019, and is currently in his 3 months remission period. He is officially 7.6 pounds and a happy, healthy boy! His temperature has been great since the second week, and his blood work is completely in normal range. Thanks to Mutian, Pippin has become the poster child for FIP treatment at our veterinary hospital because it was our vet’s first cat to survive FIP, and our vet is now treating the second FIP cat! This has been such an intense adventure, but we are thrilled to say that Pippin is officially a FIP SURVIVOR!!!

Pippin's Pages:
