Unfortunately our beautiful Princess Pickles has been recently diagnosed with Dry FIP. We are devastated. Sadly we are no strangers to FIP. Just a little over a year ago we had to say goodbye to her sister Gertie b/c of FIP. I am a single mom with 3 other kitties and an eleven year old daughter who loves all of our cat with all of her heart. We have endured tremendous loss in our fur babies over the past several years. When I had my daughter my previous pets were all older - and sadly we have had to say goodbye to all of them because of old age. So she has endured 6 pet losses within the past 7 years. It has been rough. And now with this diagnosis I just don't know how we will get through. Pickles has so much life ahead of her. We can't afford treatment. We couldn't for her sister which is why we said goodbye. We don't want to lose any other kitties to this terrible disease. Please help if you can. Thank you so much for reading our story.
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