Not long after I adopted Peter a little over 4 years ago, he and his sister came down with Coronavirus. They both recovered and I thought all was well. About a month later, Peter started acting strange, not wanting to play, laying about. Not acting at all like a 4 month old kitten. I took him to the vet, and we tried treating him with antibiotics. He was running a fever. The antibiotics didn't help and I noticed he was starting to get a very round belly. The vet tapped the fluid off his belly and sent it off to be tested. Unfortunately, it turned out he had wet FIP. We were able to keep him alive, with a pretty good quality of life until he was about 7 months old. At that point it was time to send him on his journey across the Rainbow Bridge. I found out from the rescue I got him from that one of his brothers also died from FIP. Luckily, his sister, Micki, who is now 4 1/2 didn't develop FIP. Unfortunately at the time, the meds that were helping FIP kitties were just starting to be tested so there was nothing I could do.