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FIP Warrior:


All donations will go into giving Owen a chance to fight FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). I sincerely appreciate any donation amount, and any help that I can get. I adopted Owen on August 27th, 2020 from a animal rescue, he was 2 months old at the time; He is now 6 months old and 3 days, and weights 7.2 pounds. He was energetic, sweet, loving, and love to adventure anywhere he has yet been to. He has recently contracted FIP, and being the terrible owner I am, I regret being ignorant about FIP and not bringing him to the vet sooner. Owen is most likely have contracted wet FIP due the symptoms such as pot bellied, lethargy, fever, and jaundice. After visiting the vet, all my hopes shattered knowing this is a fatal disease, then I remembered the vet told me about FIPWarriors and a treatment for FIP that will give a chance to Owen. I know Owen is a fighter, he still eats, drinks, goes to litter box and gives his best to follow me around.

The treatment for FIP is expensive because it has not been license for use in animals. Currently, Owen will need 3 vials a week for 12 weeks, each vial cost $90 each. Based on Owen's weight, he will be given daily injection of 2.2ML.

Again, I sincerely appreciate any help that I can get for Owen.

Owen's Pages:
