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FIP Warrior:


Oswald came into my life as a foster with his mom and 4 siblings. He was the runt of the litter, but has the personality of a lion. He became extremely sick at 6 weeks old and required around the clock care. One night he started doing the death cry and I thought for sure it was his time. But like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, he bounced back. After caring for him so closely, I knew I couldn't give him up for adoption. In February of 2019 he became Oswald Sarenius. I had to give up fostering for him but it's totally worth it. I would love to say we lived happily ever after but that is not the case. In May he started acting off, nothing significant but just not 100%. Then his appetite decreased, he stopped playing as much and soon his legs became wobbly. After xrays and blood tests, FIP was his diagnosis. Fostering for years, I knew there was nothing I could do for him. My boss did some research on FIP and found the article on GS-441524. I remember reading it and frantically Googleing how to purchase it. I looked at the powder for sale and realized it would cost be $15,000 to have the meds made. I was devastated, but not willing to give up on him. I came across the page FIP warriors using gs-441524 and felt one step closer. I met a lot of helpful people in the group and soon was given the chance to buy GS-441524. With a price tag of $9,000 I was crushed. My daughter just got braces put on and my husband's car needing to be replaced we were tight on money. Then like a miracle from above I was connected with the company Mutian. They gave me the chance to participate in the oral GS-441524 trial. The oral med is about 40% cheaper then the injectable medicine. I will never be able to thank them enough, for picking Oswald. We are 10 days into treatment, and he is acting like his old self again. He is up a whole pound and eating like a pig. We created a Facebook group Oswald's fight with FIP and GS-441524. If you would like to watch his journey, please look him up.  While these meds are not approved by the FDA yet, I knew I needed to take a leap of faith. I only pray more people find this medicine and see the same results. I can't wait for the day for this medicine to be approved and end FIP.
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