El amor de mi vida, Nieve, con sólo 2 años, ha sido diagnosticado con PIF. Lo recogimos con 6 meses atropellado y a punto de morir. Ahora le han diagnosticado PIF, hemos tenido que hacerle una transfusión de sangre para salvarle la vida y poder iniciar el tratamiento. Tan sólo tenemos dinero para algunos dias, pero necesita medicación para 12 semanas. Lamentablemente no tenemos el dinero necesario para tanto tiempo, necesitamos que nos ayudeis a salvarlo, no podemos dejarlo morir. Si estais en esta página sabemos cuánto amais a los gatos y lo que significan para nosotros.
Podeis donar y seguir su historia en los enlaces siguientes. Por favor, cualquier donativo será de mucha ayuda, es una carrera a contrareloj. Gracias a todos.
English translation:
Nieve is a cat rescued from a collision in December 2017. With hypothermia and a skull fracture, he almost died but he fought with all his strength and after months of rehabilitation he managed to return to being a normal cat. He lives with Vivaldi, (his inseparable guide during his recovery, also rescued and with problems of fear of humans), Tuercas (kitten adopted with many allergy problems) and Rayas, a Great Dane Dog who takes care of all of them. They form a great family, always together. Nieve is a big and elegant cat, always looking after us, sweet and affectionate.
In January he began to feel bad. He was very tired all day, sleeping, in the end he didn't even want to eat. We took him to the vet and after many tests he was diagnosed with FIP. A transfusion had to be done to prevent him from dying the same night. FIP is a deadly disease that progresses very fast, and the drug for treatment is similar to that used to make Remdesivir for the coronavirus in humans. The need to start treatment is immediate, we need 84 days of injections and we don´t have money for the complet treatment. Please donate now !!
We know that these are difficult times for everyone. Any little help will mean a lot to us, he is only 2 years old and eager to live.
You can follow his history in Facebook and donate to his cause through Paypal or GoFundMe (links below).
If you are in this page, know how mucho you love those cats and what they mean to us. Please, help us save the love of our life!! He is a cat with a lot of love for giving yet.
Nieve's Pages: