This is Midnight he has dry fip. We noticed it sometime in December since he developed a foggy eye, but didn't think anything of it because we were too worried about his brother, cooper. Cooper was diagnosed with wet fip on the 17th of December. We got cooper the medication and he started to get better but on Christmas his health took a turn for the worst and on the 26th of December he was put down.(he couldn't walk, refused to eat and drink, he was having bad seizures) Since cooper had fip and midnight is his blood related brother we took him to the vet for blood work and they told us we better start with the injections so on January 5th we started and now he's doing amazing! It's just the cost of the medication is taking a toll on my bank account since each vital is $80 and he needs at least 30+ of them. Please consider donating (link in bio) and help me save midnight! Thank you!
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