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FIP Warrior:


I got this beautiful bengal kitty as a birthday present in March. My mom wasn’t too happy about it and my chihuahua Sweety, wasn’t either. But they couldn’t resist him and grew to love him. Now Meiko is family. Sadly, at the end of September he started to act lazy and ate less and less, then he got fever and my mom told me that Meiko was sick. I didn’t want to believe it. Finally we took him to the vet and they told us that it was an infection. We spent $600 for all the testing and medicine, however Meiko didn’t get better and days after he started to breathe heavy. We took him to the vet again and this time they told us the horrible news. Meiko had Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), a fatal cat disease and he didn’t have a chance of survival since there was no treatment known to cure FIP(cat’s coronavirus). He was only 8 months old.

My mom and I (and I suspect Sweety too) were devastated. We prayed for a miracle. The vet told us the only thing left was to put Meiko to sleep to avoid all the pain of this horrible disease. We searched on the internet while asking God to help us to save Meiko and our prayers were listened. About 3 years ago Dr. Pedersen found a cure. For now the treatment hasn’t been approved and it’s in experimental stage, however so many cats have been cured and FIP is not longer a cat death sentence. The treatment is 84 days of injections or pills followed by 84 days of observation. During those weeks blood work needs to be done to check how the cat is reacting to the treatment (300 approx). It’s very expensive. 5ml vials $85, (pills cost more). Meiko is taking 3.5ml every night, and we are on day 54. We have 30 more to go. We need help to finish the treatment. I have a part time job and I’m finishing my high school. My mom is helping me but it’s still not enough. Please think of donating or if you can’t please have us in our prayers. Meiko is family and we love him so much. He’s so sweet and deserves to live long and healthy. Help our family to celebrate our first Christmas with Meiko.
Thank you. God bless you.

Meiko's Pages:
