We adopted our beloved lynx point Siamese Kai in May 2019 along with his littermate brother. Kai had persistent gastrointestinal issues that did not improve with medication and diet changes. On October 1st, Kai's health sharply declined and he was diagnosed (likely) with dry FIP by our vet on October 2nd. We were heartbroken after hearing there was no treatment and began to prepare ourselves to say goodbye.
After doing online research and joining the FIP Warriors support group, Kai began his oral antiviral medication on 10/09/19 and is showing remarkable improvement. He has now completed 45 of his 84 day treatment (over halfway done!) and continues to thrive. Kai has gained over 2 pounds since beginning treatment, his fever is gone, his appetite is insatiable, his energy level is nonstop and overall he looks like a happier and healthier kitten. We are amazed by his progress and hope that Kai continues to persevere so that he can graduate from treatment and have a chance to be deemed "cured!"
For more updates and information about Kai's journey to fight FIP, check out his fundraising campaign at: