Hi! My Name is Jorah! I am 2 years and 3 months old. My mom adopted me from Save and Spay a year ago. Before living with her I lived with a colony of cats. It was fun but the other cats bullied me so Spay and Save scooped me up! Before turning two I became very ill. Mom was very worried about me and kept bringing me to the vet. We tried lots of medication and tests but the vet could not figure out what was wrong. After losing weight, clumps of hair, and refusing to eat; mommy rushed me to the ER where I was diagnosed with FIP. She was told I only had 2 weeks to 2 months to live. She was heartbroken and she brought me home and prayed that she had longer. After a few days she noticed my walking was getting bad. She didn’t know this was a possibility! She got very scared and started searching for information and stumbled across FIP Warriors. It was 11:00 pm on a Wednesday when she submitted her request. She thought she wouldn’t hear back and was going to go to bed but the group is very diligent at all hours! She was confused and desperate so she posted a plea for assistance. She scrolled through the success stories and started to feel hopeful. By Friday 12:00 pm lunch time my drugs arrived. Mommy was shaking as she gave me my first set of pills. By the next day I lost all ability to walk. The disease was working fast but the drugs were working too. I was scared but mommy helped me go to the litter box and get around. By day two I was trying to stand. My feet would curl under and I would fall. By the second week I was starting to get better at walking. Mommy built stairs out of objects in the apartment so that I could try to go to the litter box myself. Mommy then decided to switch to injections as she couldn’t afford the pills. She was scared but she was determined. The first few weeks of injections were rough. I wasn’t going to let her stab me that easy! I got so stressed out that I caught a cold. Mommy didn’t know at the time that I also had herpes. She brought me to the vet and they gave me eye drops and sent me home. Four days later I got a bubble on my eye and she rushed me to the ER. They told her they would have to take my eye. She spent the night crying and praying hoping that my eye would be saved. She hated that I would be alone and transported to another facility. However, the next day the specialist called and said they could do a procedure that could save my eye! Her prayers were answered! I wore a cone for 4 weeks and my balance was still a bit wobbly. Mommy would help wash my butt and keep my clean fur. At day 42 mommy switched me back to pills to give my skin a break but I started getting worse. She switched me back to injections as quick as she could and brought me in finally to get my cone off. While we were happy that my eye was healed and the cone was off; we were scared that the pill issue set us back too much. Mommy did everything she could. We got new toys and a second cat tree. She made me exercise three times every day. I was losing my confidence and was scared to jump on the coffee table. She knew she could but entice me up there with treats. We moved slowly from a 1/2 foot jump to a 2 foot jump. Mommy had to coax me to play because I wasn’t feeling well. She decided to continue treatment past 12 weeks and emailed Dr.P. The outcome was not looking promising. Dr.P and others were suggesting that going higher than 10 mg/kg could cause resistance. Mommy weighed the options. She realized if I stayed at 10 mg/kg I would die and so if I tried a higher dose and resisted the outcome would be the same. She sat and thought on what to do. She kept adding more difficulty to my jumps but I was afraid. Sometimes I would try and sometimes I would give up She took the gamble and increased my dosage and started me on supplements. All of a sudden, my jumps started getting higher! Mommy was elated! She didn’t want to get too excited too fast but everyday she would hear me playing on my own. She kept finding me in funny places! Inside of the closet on the shelf! On the kitchen counter where she tried to get me to jump before! She emailed Dr.P and sent some information for review. She sent a video that was about two weeks old since she wasn’t able to capture me as easily on camera anymore! She was so excited at Dr.P’s hopeful response! She decided to try to take a new video for Dr.P of Jorah. Within 30 seconds Jorah attempted a jump he hadn’t ever before and she was so excited she started crying! We are now on day 117! Mommy is continuing treatment for a few more weeks as she wants to give me my best chance at surviving!! We feel really hopeful that we will be looking back on this for years to come!!!
Jorah 🐾
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