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FIP Warrior:


Greetings and thank you all for including us in this amazing group of people, coming together to help one another out during this emotionally and financially stressful time!Meet my sweet kitty Ivee! A bit of a background story... Ivee comes from a feral colony my friend was doing TNR (Trap Spay/Neuter Release) work in. I fell head over heels in love with her the second I saw her cute little face (the adorable face my friend said, "looks like someone lost control of their spray paint can on!”) YEP! That's EXACTLY the face I went crazy for!Ivee moved into her new home with her kitty sister, Zara, and me, Tamar in January of this year. All was going fantastic as we were making HUGE strides in socialization until I noticed she was not her normal kitten self. We went to 3 different vet appointments trying to nail down why she was lethargic, pupils fully dilated, not eating, and her fever of 105.7 kept coming back after a few days of medicine. FINALLY, my vet told me it was likely "untreatable FIP"!  Luckily, I had heard about FIP from a friend and was put in touch with the FIP Warriors 5.0 that day! We started treatment and I was thrilled Ivee’s fever almost immediately disappeared. She started acting like kitten Ivee. Her huge pupils started going back down. But last week, three weeks into treatment, Ivee hit a bump in the road. She stopped eating, became lethargic, and stayed behind the sofa more than usual. I immediately contacted my #FIP admins and was advised to switch to a higher concentration of GS. I was able to exchange a few bottles, but since this higher concentration is quite a bit more money, I couldn't afford to buy more. Honestly, I don't know how I am going to be able to keep up with the costs of the meds and vet visits. In addition, I am a flight attendant so I must pay a vet tech to come in to administer the injection or miss work, which isn't an option!As you all know, this is a hard process on every level! There are days I'm sure everyone feels defeated.  Ivee is still an extremely shy girl, so I worry that she will hate me for putting her through this, but I'm NOT GIVING UP on this girl with the"spray painted face"!Attached below is my gofundme account. Ivee, Zara, and i appreciate any thoughtful donations while we bully our way through this disease called FIP!

Ivee's Pages:
