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FIP Warrior:


Our Frohike (pronounced Frohicky) was diagnosed with wet FIP on August 25, 2020 at four years old. She was seven weeks old when we got her and had never been sick prior to her diagnosis. I thought she was stressed because I had a foster kitten in the house (isolated) and that was why she was hiding and stopped eating. It became clear after two weeks of her getting worse that it wasn’t stress and I took her to the ER. I had never heard of FIP so when the vet gave me the prognosis I broke down. She had mentioned experimental treatment that had promising results but had no information on it and was only citing a VIN article. I brought Frohike home and spent hours crying and researching until I found the FIP Warriors. My boyfriend and I were skeptical but we really had nothing to lose at that point. It was the only thing we could try to save our cats life. I was connected with someone local almost immediately after joining FIP Warriors and we started treatment around 24 hours after receiving the diagnosis. Within 15 hours of the first injection there was noticeable improvement. The cat that spent the last two weeks hiding and refusing food came into the kitchen for breakfast and actually ate on her own. Two days later she was jumping onto furniture again and climbing in my lap to snuggle. During the 12 weeks of treatment she continued to improve and we were able to stop after 84 days. She sailed through 12 weeks of observation and has been cured since February 10, 2021. Our vet is amazed that Frohike survived FIP as he’s never seen a cat live more than two weeks after being diagnosed. I don’t think I could ever fully express how grateful I am to everyone who makes this all possible. My Frohike just jumped onto my lap to make biscuits as I write this. If it weren’t for ZenbyCat and FIP Warriors she would not be here today, so thank you for all that you do!