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FIP Warrior:


It all started in January 2021. Chester was still living with his first family. He was not well at all. His belly was getting bigger and bigger and Chester was getting quieter and quieter. Finally, he didn't want to play with his friend Bia anymore and wanted to be close to his human mum. After 3 weeks of diagnosis and many tears, the family finally found out that there was a cure for FIP and after various phone calls and conversations with our admin, it was decided that for now he would move and be treated at my place. So Chester came to me. Injecting Chester didn't turn out to be too difficult and eventually we realised that it worked easiest when no one was holding him at all. Suddenly Chester was lamblike. However, as Chester's skin had suffered a lot from the effusion, which was under the skin and no longer in the abdomen in the 2nd week, we finally switched to tablets. After 2 months we had a little interlude with acute cat cold and Chester was almost as sick as he was at the beginning of the therapy. At that time it was also decided that the little one could stay. Then came the waiting period. It was a time that went by calmly and towards the end of the waiting period, after the last blood test, the redemptive phone call finally came. Not only had Chester made a very good impression in the practice of his favourite vet, but his blood values looked good again. Chester had finally made it and since 16 August 2021 he has been FIP-free, although for Chester the world had been fine for quite some time. The main thing was that he was doing well and could jet around the flat with his girlfriend Finya or "lay" carpets at night 😻.