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FIP Warrior:


I am so thankful for the FIP community and being there every step of the way. We are two days away from day 84 and Quincy is doing fantastic!It did not start out that way. I felt something was not right and made an appointment for the following day. He was also starting to get a belly and I thought his cat-dad was giving him too many treats. However, later in the day I noticed he did not want to play with his favorite toy and made the decision to take him to the ER instead of waiting for the appointment. They did bloodwork and gave him fluids, letting me know they suspected FIP based on the fluid they pulled from his belly. I was devastated because he is the most loving kitty, (SO unlike our older cat.) They directed me to the FB group. For me, this ER vet saved Quincy’s life helping me find immediate support. I reached out very late at night and had supplies the following morning. I believe we were able to catch it somewhat early and he started to improve after his first few doses. For the first one, the vet helped show me how to administer the injection and even shaved an area to make it easier. Luckily Quincy did not produce any sores and he quickly regained his strength and we were given the go-ahead to start oral. Thank goodness because it became a two person job. His shaved patch has almost grown back and gained over two pounds through this process. He’s a small boy and currently over 9 months. We have a 7 year old (Motown) and the reason we decided to adopt Quincy, who was a rescue. We found Mo in a bush and bottle-fed him from approximately 2 days old. I’m sharing this because Motown had no parents or siblings to help him ‘learn’ how to be with other cats; so for them to get along immediately was wonderful. Mo is twice Quincy’s size but it does not keep Quincy from relentlessly chasing him all over the house. We are excited for the observation phase!!