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FIP Warrior:


Thor was diagnosed with dry FIP after being very sick with diarrhoea and vomiting on and off over the past year. He was a rescue kitten that I fell in love with and adopted early last year. At first I thought his diarrhoea was from a change in food, however it kept getting worse. I took him to the vet who gave me antibiotics and probiotics for him which cleared it up for a little while. It came back again and this time he kept getting sicker until he ended up spending a week in hospital getting fluids and various tests. The vet suspected FIP but decided to rule out other things first. He went back on antibiotics and probiotics and a digestive diet. This seemed to help him for a little bit. He then got sick again and went back to the vet for a few days getting more tests etc. this time we changed him to a biome food which cleared up his diarrhoea. After a few months he started vomiting little puddles of liquid. This continued to get more frequently and eventually he wasn’t keeping food down so we went to the vet again. This time he had antibiotics with anti nausea injection and back onto the digestive food. We went through this a few more times until we tried steroids which helped him stop vomiting for a bit. After a few months the vomiting got worse again so we organised an ultrasound with the vet and he was finally diagnosed with FIP. He started his treatment and was doing well after 2 weeks on the injections we moved to oral GS medication. He started vomiting again on the oral medication and is now back in the injections at a higher dose as his follow up ultrasound showed no improvement. The vet was suggesting to put him down until I found a FIP group on Facebook and got advice from them suggesting a higher dose of injections. He has been back on the injections for a week now and has now gained weight and playing with the other cats again. My only problem is with the dose he needs it costs $100 per day which is becoming hard to pay for.

Thor's Pages:
