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FIP Warrior:


One night on 12/5/23 (wed), Bob didn't eat his dinner, which is very usual for him. The next morning, we saw that he did not eat his breakfast either and that his pupils were different sizes. In addition, he seemed to have a fever as his ears were very hot. So we took him to the ER. They gave him fluids, ran different test and prescribed him some eye drops for uveitis and mirtazapine for his appetite. Both seemed to work, at least temporarily. But by 12/8 (fri) his fever was back as well as the different size pupils so we took him back to our vet to get more fluids. But bc his fever was so high (105F) and his tests didn't show much, they felt it was out of their area of expertise and to hospitalize him at a different vet who has an internal medicine dept. We took him to the hospital where he was hospitalized from 12/8-12/13. They ran a bunch of different tests but he kept getting worse. He had a bunch of different symptoms (fever, weight loss/inappetence, effusion around heart/lungs/belly, heart murmur, rapid heart and breathing rate, and body twitches/tremors) and he started to get anemic. Test after test and they still did not know what was wrong. One vet suspected a possible tooth infection since his lower jaw area at the canine was swollen but they couldn't do xrays since their dental person was not there. I had made a Reddit post the week bob was in the hospital, explaining his symptoms and someone said it sounded like FIP - something I had never heard of before. When I brought it up to the vet at the hospital, they said it was not high on their priority list and that we should keep testing. After a week he was not getting better and they suggested putting him down. We felt it was best if we did it at home so we signed him out and scheduled an at-home euthanasia for the next morning. We were extra heartbroken bc his 8th birthday was coming up 2 days after the scheduled euthanasia. The whole week we had been keeping our neighbor up-to-date since she watches our cats while we're away. We informed her that we were going to put bob down the next day. I told her I think it's FIP but there's no cure. She couldn't accept it. She went back to her apt and started researching and eventually found a website that guarantees recovery. It seemed sketchy but we started researching the drug it talked about and eventually found FIP Warriors FB group. We requested to join soon after being accepted, we were connected with our own team to guide us in what we had to do. We even got a few vials of GS that night. Bc our neighbor is a nurse (and like our 2nd mom), and we had never injected into anyone before, she helped us with injections the first wk. After a couple of days, he started to turn around and most of his symptoms subsided. He still didn't have an appetite so we had to syringe feed him but after a wk, he was eating on his own. While getting treated for FIP, he got a herpes virus flare up and got discharge and ulcers in both eyes (on top of uveitis). So he started receiving multiple eye drops multiple times a day. He had to wear a cone for 2.5 months. After he finished his 84 days of injections which ended at the beginning of March (and no more cone), he was like a whole new cat ! So much energy - literally bouncing off the walls. After 2 months of hyperactivity, he eventually calmed down. After he finished his 84 days of observation (ended last day of May), now it was time to get that tooth looked at (the one with the swollen gum). He had a dental cleaning and a few extractions and a biopsy of the bone - which came back normal (just bone inflammation from periodontal inflammation/bone resorption). No more FIP, no more eye issues, and no more dental issues. What a year for Bob !