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FIP Warrior:


Hello! This is my baby Haven. I adopted Haven and her brother Hudson from the local rescue in my area on 3/25. On 4/26 I noticed Haven’s right eye seemed a little cloudy. She had also become very lethargic, was barely eating and had thrown up. I took her to the vet on 4/29 and learned that she was very sick. Her bloodwork was not good. My vet gave me an antibiotic, prednisone and some medications to treat her eye. My vet also mentioned Haven might have FIP. I had never heard of FIP before. I immediately started researching. On 5/1 we returned to the vet for a recheck of some bloodwork and saw only minimal improvement. I told my vet I wanted to go ahead and start treating Haven for FIP. She agreed that was probably best. I obtained some vials and we started her treatment on 5/2. We are on day 9 of injections and Haven has really shown improvement. She hasn’t had a fever since 4/29, she now weighs 7 pounds (up from 6.17 on 4/29). She has no fluid in her abdomen and her lungs are clear. Her hematocrit is also now back in normal range. She has also become playful again! I’m so happy to see this change in her. She turns one on 5/29 and has so much more life to live! Thank you for allowing me to share Haven’s story. This journey is expensive, as I’m sure you all know. Any assistance you can provide is so very appreciated! ❤️

Haven's Pages:
