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FIP Warrior:


My boy Finn is 1.5 years old. I've had him since 16 weeks. In the beginning of June his housemate Fiona turned 1 so I began what I thought was a very slow transition off of kitten food. She did fine but Finn developed chronic diarrhea that wouldn't resolve. And a marked decrease in appetite and became very lethargic. My once velcro kitty had started to isolate from me and hide away. So our first trip to the vet. After assessing him and checking a stool sample they also thought he was having a hard time with the food transition. But as a precaution the put him on a five day course of an anti bacterial and some perscription food. I did note at this time a drop in weight from his last known weight of 15 pounds. He is a Maine Coon so a pretty big boy. The medication stopped the diarrhea but he started to throw up. So back to the vet. This time for blood work and x-rays. His blood work came back with the tell tale signs of FIP and the xray showed inflamed intestines. And he was now down to 12.55 pound. The vet said could be two different things, dry form of FIP which I had never heard of or lymphoma. Both of which are fatal. She suggested an ultrasound for a better image but they were booked a month out for internal medicine. So she prescribed medication for the nausea and an appetite stimulate. After she left the room a vet student came in and said she had heard of a treatment for FIP that was having amazing results. She said it's not FDA approved but go home and Google it. That's how I found the FIP Warriors 5.0 After many long conversations with the volunteer admins of this wonderful group I made the decision to start treatment even without a definitive diagnosis. I didn't want to waste any time. Because Finn is such a large boy and I impartially disabled I made the election to start him on tablets because I didn't think I would be able to do the injections by myself. So on July 21st Finn began his treatment. We started on 3 tablets once per day and within 3 days I could see an improvement in his energy and appetite. I was referred to another clinic that had an ultrasound appointment in 2 weeks. So we continued to treat and see improvements. At the ultrasound appointment they said it appeared more likely to be lymphoma and also noted swollen lymph nodes. They did a FNA and did a biopsy. The results came back as reactive but did not show the expected large lymphocytes but instead a mix of lymphocytes and plasma. So not a definitive diagnosis again. But it left this vet clinic very confused as to why he is responding so well to the GS44. These results were sent to my primary care vet. And again they said they still thought lymphoma. So the slides have been submitted for a PARR test to get an exact count. These results are not in as of the writing of Finns story. But what I can tell you is Finn now weighs 15.1 pounds again. He is charging around the house playing with Fiona like a kitten. His appetite is great and all other symptoms have resolved. Finns story just go to show how much education our Vets need about this deadly disease. We are only in the beginning of a long road to being cured but I believe he will cross that finish line. The cost to treat our fur babies is astronomical. Currently just medication is $42 per day and I expect that to go up to $48 soon because of his weight gain. I'm praying we make it with the standard 84 day treatment protical. This doesn't include all the diagnostic fees and monthly blood work. Somehow we will find a way to make it through this. I look forward to the day that these treatments and their costs are behind protocol.. That Finn is cured. And I am in a position to help another family get through this.