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FIP Warrior:


Captain is 7 months old, and he really needs your help! 4 months ago, we (Les and Doina) adopted this beautiful tiny rescue kitty. We loved him immediately! He was a happy, playful and healthy kitten, or so we thought. He LOVED playing with his squeaky mouse and watching sports on TV with dad! But actually, he was very sick. He was eating lots, but the only part of him that was growing was his tummy. On March 30, he was diagnosed with wet FIP - Feline Infectious Peritonitis. We were completely devastated and our world was turned upside down.

He has wet FIP complicated by fibrosis of the omentum.

This means his body cannot absorb the abdominal fluid.

His treatment will be long and expensive - medication alone is costing us more than $120 per day. And then there are bills for tests, draining, more tests, etc. We are on day 42 and it's going to be at least another 3 months. Maybe more.

We are struggling.

Captain is having great trouble eating due to the constant pressure on his stomach and he has nausea and acid reflux. Trying to get him to eat enough is a constant stressful battle


We are committed to getting Captain well again but we need some help, please.

Captian's Pages:
