
January 23, 2023

Meet BokuMo, the newest and most definitely,  the last new addition to the House Of Nekko (at least for a couple years:)).   Her name means 'me too", as in adopt me too please.   We had just adopted Kabocha but decided she needed a friend.   

I would be lying if I said i am not worried about FIP striking BokuMo or Kabocha.  The innocence of not knowing about FIP cannot be recovered.  However, at least for myself, accepting this fear as a price I must now pay to have kittens and cats in my life is something I am able to do.  Watching Peanut and Miss Bean lose their battles with FIP was heartbreaking,  but letting it stop me from opening my home and heart to cats would be truly tragic. I totally understand that we all grieve differently.  

Now meet BokuMo, Smokeys newest friend and supporter:


BokuMo takes after her new friend The Professor in her love for the Roomba
BokuMo does NOT have FIP.  So what do we call cats like her?  FIP Solider?  Since all cats are at risk, all are in this fight to end FIP
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